Misconceptions About Fitness and Exercise

Misconceptions about fitness

Misconceptions about fitness and Exercise

First, eliminate such false notions that are overshadowed in people's minds. It would help to have sound and scientifically based guidance to get your body fit and balanced. Not the flimsy stories spread by old ladies and fanciful imaginations that people have imposed on their exercise routines for centuries are done When you realize how stupid and useless the so-called guiding principles are, you will learn how easy and enjoyable exercise is. In the coming pages, the origin of such delusions will be revealed.

It would help if you did not drink anything during exercise.

It would help if you did not drink anything during exercise; Maybe there is nothing wrong thing more than that. One should not wait for thirst to drink water. If you notice that your body is becoming dehydrated, instantly rehydrate it. If the first thing you do in the morning is exercise, remember to drink a glass of water.

The body's cells depend on the bloodstream for energy and the removal of waste products. When your body is dehydrated, the fluid that keeps cells fresh decreases. As a result, cells cannot function until this fluid is replenished. As a result, your muscles no longer perform as they should, and your heart is under more strain. The fluid loss mentioned above is a component of the blood fluid; the heart must work harder to compensate for the shortfall to maintain blood flow. All of this is not useful in any case and should be avoided.

Consuming sugar before exercise increases energy

Before any activity or competition, sugar consumption can cause more harm than good. The same is true even for healthy foods like honey and lemon juice. Experiments show that sweet things cause such a reaction in insulin that the sugar, instead of getting to the muscles, is stored in the liver. Because of this, the forces are not able to show the performance that is expected of them. Yes, however, there is one case where you need sugar because it is depleted, and that is an hour and a half of continuous exercise such as marathon running (26 kilometers) or a golf and tennis match. Otherwise, too much sugar never results in too much energy.

Avoid a few items before exercise.

Numerous experiments in laboratories testing the performance of the human body have shown that no single diet significantly affects your performance or feeling of improvement. We have searched all the available literature on this topic and the so-called prohibited foods like indigestible. All kinds of food containing gas-producing spicy spices were fed to the Athletes, but neither in the laboratory nor on the playing field had any significant effect on their performance, nor did anyone get sick from these prohibited items.

Do not eat anything before Swimming.

Because neither science nor traditions have identified any traces of this issue, we can still not determine how it has spread. The argument is that if something is eaten before swimming, there is a fear of drowning due to tetanus or stiffness convulsions.

The scientific explanation of the above illusion is that if something is eaten before swimming, all the blood starts moving toward the intestine, the muscles are starved, and the heart becomes stressed. While the fact is that whenever exercise is activated, the direction of the blood is closed towards the intestine, and the muscles are oversupplied. So there is no question of any tetanus. I know a world-renowned athlete who broke his Olympic record in the race after eating a burger and four candy bars before the Olympic competition.

But this does not mean that you should eat a lot before swimming because doing any strenuous exercise after eating can make you nauseous more than anything else. Yes, you may take a fantastic move around any heated pool. At the same time, there is nothing wrong with eating something light before swimming.

Use a salt tablet to avoid fatigue.

Never take a tablet of salt; nothing is more inappropriate than eating. Profuse sweating can cause muscle stiffness; salt helps remove it. But a salt tablet is a solid substance that can sit on the stomach lining and cause nausea and vomiting.

If you are worried about sweating a lot during a workout or competition, you can use more salt with food earlier. You can drink salted water during the match or eat some fruit by sprinkling it with salt. Instead, using salt to some extent after any physical activity is beneficial, but avoid it in excess. Give only as much salt to the body as is excreted through sweating. The body cannot store salt so excess salt can cause tetanus or stiffness and muscle weakness. To avoid this, you are taking salt. In this way, water is released from the cells to dilute the extra salt and remove it from the body. It enters the blood through the digestive system, and the cells become dehydrated, causing tetanus. You may have noticed that meat is dipped in a salt solution to dry it quickly.

Eating more protein increases energy.

Many athletes think that consuming more protein makes them stronger. This idea is further reinforced by sales assistants selling stimulants. However, in reality, overeating protein is nothing but a waste of money.

The human body has immense reserves. Along with this, the body has a fantastic ability to adapt itself according to the conditions. The idea that you need a specific diet in a particular amount per day to maintain performance is entirely unfounded.

I once experienced the effects of starvation on the ability to work, and along with my three companions, I starved for four days and four nights. In the meantime, we took nothing except water, not even chewing gum. During this time, I would go to class without delay, where there were three periods of physical exercise. I even used to train with the wrestling team. I was surprised I didn't feel hungry after three days of fasting. Yes, I used to get carvings whenever I passed by a bakery or a burger stall.

Several years later, another experiment took place at the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory. We altogether avoided meat (protein) for a month. By the end of the month, the only difference was a slight decrease in vitamin B complex in the blood. Let me quickly state that I never thought of losing weight through starvation in my experimental efforts.

Some physiologists (knowledge of all functions of the human body) don't know what they want to know about the effects of centripetal forces on the body. They have just a chance to punish themselves. During this time, they freeze the body like ice in an experiment that inevitably results in fainting about what they already know. However, this is their matter. But they don't do it all for pay. A typical man should not restrict himself to lose weight. When he does that, he also suffers the consequences. Experiments of this kind have proved that the human body has such great stores of nutrients and fat; apart from this, there is no need for external stimulants. Continuous absence of food can have adverse impacts; I felt sick as a dog. My intestines didn't work correctly for a month, and I had a lot of diarrhea for no reason.

Our body uses fat and starch reserves to fuel a dynamic life. After the body's nutritional demands have been met, a balanced diet that includes both animals and plants offers enough storage resources. Remember, extraordinary performance does not require a remarkable diet. We got athletes to use gelatin powder (a completely ineffective thing) capsules saying that they are full of magic effect nutrients. Preliminary results showed that their performance improved significantly, Which proved that if you make anything and feed it by turning something else, it will have a positive effect. But more profound research has shown that this happens only psychologically and not practically.

Today's theory of a balanced diet which we will discuss later was born out of a quest for a food that could hold the status of an elixir. It would help if you had all kinds of food. Avoiding any diet is just as wrong as the unnecessary use of stimulants.

Sleep more than usual in case of competition or fatigue.

Sleep can neither be stored nor fully accessed. You won't feel better on twelve hours of sleep than on eight hours of sleep. Sleeping for more than eight or nine hours can deplete your energy. Some people believe that 12 hours of sleep a day will make up for it if they can sleep less for a few days; this must be corrected. They can achieve better results with eight hours of sleep. However, more than 9 hours of sleep can be helpful to build up the breakdown in the body. So this advantage will be lost by keeping yourself idle for such an extended period, and the body will be disorganized and disfigured.

Prolonged bed rest has adverse effects on body attractiveness. Because all functions slow down, For example, after more than 6 hours of sleep, the heart rate decreases. In which the process of demolition and construction loses speed. Circulation also becomes dull, and the body loses its agility because the muscles become loose. If a person does nothing for three days, we observe that he will lose 5 percent of his physical strength.Spending half a day in bed causes your activities to slacken. And one thing is sure, the longer you stay in bed for more than 9 hours, the weaker you will become.

Another point of interest is that simply lying comfortably in bed can be just as relaxing as falling asleep. It restores a lot of lost strength, so it is better to lie in bed for more than eight hours and keep worrying about this thought whether you will get more sleep or not. Let go of that mess, get out of bed, and commit to yourself that in the future, whenever you do not sleep, lie comfortably on the bed and try to calm down.

Before engaging in any physical activity or contest, sweat a lot.

It would be more appropriate to take a bath with cold water instead. I know an athlete who sits down and eats watermelon before a competition, and when it comes to turning, he often wins most of the competitors. Perhaps he deceives his rivals by appearing slow and loose. Also, his knowledge of warm-ups (Warming up with different exercises before the competition) may be better than his opponents. Because too much introduction produces opposite results

If you have a weak heart and, in a few moments, you have to go from complete stillness to intense labor. So it can be dangerous as it blocks blood flow to the heart. But whatever you want to do, it involves gradually bringing yourself up to speed or playing such a game in which a lot of hard work has to be done, so don’t get into the habit of sweating, Especially if the game is like this in which there is a test of endurance so sweating can be harmful instead of beneficial. But warm-up is okay in case of fast running.

Just be careful not to sweat too much. Long-distance runners try to conserve energy as much as possible, avoid excessive sweating, and keep their bodies cool. Because as soon as they sweat, their game will be over. But the strange thing is that long-distance runners must be more careful about this and suffer from failure. Because it is generally seen that the cooler the runner stays, the more successful he is. In one experiment, we had a group of high school runners take a ten-minute cold shower before a race, and the results were terrific. And even after the race, their physical condition was much better.

Long warm-ups and sweat-inducing are considered negatives for two reasons. Firstly, they deplete the food reserves of the body. As soon as the body heats up, that energy does not remain, which is fundamental for any competition. Here for those about to start a fitness program, a lesson needs to be remembered.


Exercise is not a bad thing. However, I am against such rigid and complicated routines. For example, wake up at precisely 6 in the morning and open the window, take ten breaths of fresh air, do a dozen exercises, take a cold bath, have a breakfast of seaweed and vitamin pills, and so on. All this is unnecessary for good health, which can do more harm than good.

But never take the mean that it is not right to breathe in fresh air, exercise is not helpful, or healthy food is prohibited. The goal is not to lock yourself into a program your heart does not believe in or dislike. And what the heart does not like, she looks unpleasant and burdened. Many people are already stuck in such restrictions of getting up at this time, going to work at this time, working at a certain pace, and earning at least that amount. Such limits are already very stressful, now adding more unnecessary restrictions. If not stupidity, then what is?

Let me end this chapter by saying one thing if a host is satisfied when he sees guests stuffed up to their noses with food and drink. That's what we do about exercise, only exercise once it becomes a problem.

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