yogurt And Its Benefits

 Yogurt And Its Benefits

Kashif  health was not good today. There is a burden on his chest. He thought that he should leave the office and relax. But there were some important work for which it was necessary to go the office. Grand father saw him sluggish and sick and asked him what he had eaten that night ? So he replied that the chicken had eaten well at the friends fast. Grandfather immediately understood his problem. They said his wife to give kashif a bowl of yogurt. After 10 - 15 minutes, the patient digested everything he had eaten. As soon as the indigestion went away, Kashif became feel good and went to the office. 
The young generation is unaware of this dignity of yogurt. But old people also do not forget to eat curd with food, because it has amazing ability to digest food. 
In the morning, the woman goes to the kitchen and starts preparing breakfast.In the cities it is very early to prepare breakfast,because time is very short. An egg is being fried on one side and tea is being made on the other side. Butter and jam taken out of the fridge, set on the table and breakfast ready, and at the same time hot tea is drunk. 
But the situation in the village is quite different. The sun does not come out properly when the women sit in the courtyard carrying the collected yogurt. She pours yogurt in to the chaat and runs madhani, then the sound of the bangles worn in the buds scatters in the air. After some time the butter is extracted from it. Then the yogurt is stirred again by adding cold water. And after that paratha is prepared and breakfast is served to the family with yogurt and butter. 

This is the favorite breakfast of the village. In the cities tea has replaced yogurt and lassi. This is the reason that the health and well-being of the citizens is affected. The use of yogurt continues in various forms. For example, apart from lassi and raita, some dishes are prepared by adding yogurt. Milk shops in the city are crowed during the summer season. Youngsters drink khoya- flavored lassi with great gusto, which tastes very good. It is a common complaint to feel sleepy after eating yogurt or drinking sweet lassi.
This is true to some extent as yogurt contains sedative ingredients that calm the nerves. If the tea is drunk shortly after eating yogurt or drinking lassi, it can relieve sleep. It is better to adopt this method than to give up the use of lassi. 

Yogurt is a fermented form of milk. People love it because of its pleasant and refreshing taste. yogurt has many benefits and cures many diseases. Yogurt is called in English language is curd or yogurt. Yogurt is a Turkish word and is generally believed not to have been first made in Turkey. According to a Turkish handbook, a nomad poured some milk into a goatskin bag while traveling in the desert, and tied it to the back of his camel. After some time when he stopped at a place, he opened the bag and the milk had turned into mixture. The heat of the desert and warm air caused the bacteria in the bag to turn the milk into yogurt.

Yogurt is consumed all over the world. Yogurt is also widely used in Turkey, Egypt, Romania, Russia, Europe, and America. Yogurt has been consumed since ancient times. In the subcontinent, 50 % of the total volume of milk is converted into yogurt. Now canned yogurt is common in the markets. Which is expensive because it is better than the yogurt found in normal shops in terms of cleanliness. 

Nutritional potential of yogurt 

The ratio of nutrients in 100 grams of yogurt is as follows

Humidity                                         89.1 %
Nutrition                                          3.1  %
Grease                                             0.4  %
Mineral components                        0.8 %
Calcium                                            149 mg
Phosphorus                                        93 mg
Vitamin C                                           1  mg
The moments found in yogurt are more easily digestible. Only 32 % of milk is digested in an hour. While in the same amount of time yogurt becomes 91 % noble.

Yogurt is also therapeutic 

Yogurt soothes stomach and bowel ailments, especially chronic gastritis and diarrhea. Milk's lactic acid and yogurts lactose correct many gastrointestinal disorders. Doctors say to use yogurt frequently in case of stomach upset and in such a condition or if there is no food in the stomach. Yogurt does not disturb the natural acid balance in the body and helps in digestion of food. Yogurt is an easy remedy for insomnia, apart from eating, he should also massage his head, which induces sleep.
Yogurt is very important for longevity. Bulgarians people live longer,on research, it was found that yogurt is used the most there, and there in lies the secret of strength and health of these people. Russian Nobel laureate professor Tankovnof says that premature aging can be prevented by eating a reasonable amount of yogurt in the daily diet.

Hepatitis is spreading rapidly in our country. Increased excretion of ammonia from the body causes unconsciousness in hepatitis. High consumption of yogurt can prevent this excretion. The lactic acid present in yogurt prevents the formation of anemia in the body, so the use of yogurt is very useful in this disease. 

In case of jaundice, mixing honey with yogurt and giving it to the patient is a cure. Lassi is very useful in the treatment of certain rashes and eczema. After removing the cloth in the morning, clean the skin thoroughly, adding the peel of samogul to yogurt is very useful in case of diarrhea and flatulence. 

Yogurt preserves beauty 

Consumption of yogurt provides healthy ingredients to the skin and nerves. Yogurt has the ability to protect the skin from the negative effects of the sun. The bacteria present in it make the skin soft and glowing. If lemon juice is mixed with yogurt and applied o the face, the face becomes clean and shiny. 
To make yogurt mask, take one cup of yogurt and one spoon of lemon or orange juice. Apply this mask on the face, neck , hands, and arms for 15 to 20 minutes. When dry, remove with a soft cloth or cotton and wash the skin with clean water.
If you have pimples and blackheads on your face, using yogurt mixed with besan can get rid of them. For this, take one egg white, add four spoons of barley flour and mix them to make thick paste. Apply it on the face for some time and then wash it off with warm water. 
Applying rose water mixed with yogurt is beneficial to heal sunburned skin. Yogurt can also increase the beauty of the feet. If the feet become discolored and black, mix a little vinegar in half a cup and whisk it well in yogurt. After that, mix it well on the feet and wash the feet after 10 minutes. 

Use of yogurt for hair

Using yogurt is also very beneficial for hair. It makes hair shiny, silky and strong. Yogurt should be applied well in the hair roots. For this, keep the yogurt in an open place for two or three days, then apply it on the hair for half an hour, then it will completely eliminate dryness and dandruff. Some people don't like yogurt because of its smell the easy solution is in the basin. Finally, washing the hair with a basin removes the yogurt smell. Basin also removes the greasiness of the hair. 

If there is hair on the face, applying yogurt can get rid of it. Tie a little yogurt a muslin cloth and extract its water. apply this yogurt on the face and when it gets dry, rub it off with your hands. Continuously doing this process will reduce hair growth. 

Yogurt should always be fresh and sweetened. Consuming sour yogurt is harmful. Sugar and honey can be added to the yogurt according to one's choice or salt can be used. Seasonal vegetables and fruits can also be added to it. If there are no tomatoes at all, yogurt can be used instead while making the yogurt. 

Yogurt dishes are also very favorite food of the village people. Tie the yogurt in a fine muslin cloth and hang it somewhere. After three to four hours, when the yogurt water comes out, take flour paste from it, do not use water. Keep this kneaded dough for two hours. During this time, prepare the sugar juice. Mix sugar in four glasses of water and cook on stove. After two hours, when the sugar is not too tick, make a thin flour bread. Then take a small round lid and press it on the bread. Make small tikkis like this. After heating the ghee in a pan, fry the flour pieces. When their color is brown, add then to the sugar juice. Yummy yogurts are loved by children and they are eaten with great enthusiasm.

Yogurt is widely used in the table.Yogurt with tomato fenugreek and spiced brinjal is very enjoyable. Lassi is specially prepared with bitter gourd meat in summer. Yogurt raita is made with great passion in every home. Make a delicious raita by adding tomato, coriander, green chilies and salt to the yogurt as per taste. Make a delicious raita by adding tomato, coriander, green chillies and salt to the curd as per taste. Add mint or green chilies and grind it well and add yogurt and add cucumbers and tomatoes as per taste, then curd raita becomes delicious.

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