Uses of tomato and its benefits
Uses Of Tomato And Its Benefits
There is no one in the world who is not familiar with the name of tomato. In Latin langue is called Lycopersicum Esculentom . There are many varieties of tomatoes and many colors. Raw tomatoes are green, red and yellow-green, and cold pink and bright red tomatoes are commonly seen. Medicinally, red ripe tomatoes are considered good. In Europe, tomato is also know as mad apple. In France,it was given the name apple of love because of its characteristics. The tomato was originally found in the forests of South America. The settlers brought it to central America. The ancient Aztec and his nations of Mexico cultivated it and introduced it as the tomato. Tomatoes were valued in Spain and Italy. While in the rest of the European countries, it was considered suspicious due to its belonging to Solanash, a type of poisonous plant. At the end of the twentieth century, this plant was brought to North America by British settlers from England and dominated the markets there until the nineteenth century.
Tomatoes are considered both a fruit and a vegetable. In 1893, an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court ruled that, botanically, tomatoes are fruits. In today's age, everyone knows that every human being must take a small amount of nutrients. Vitamin A, Vitamin B and vitamin C are essential for human health. They should be included in your diet for body strength and strong bones. These three organisms are present in tomato. Eating it makes you hungry and digests food. Tomato juice is useful for some diseases. Removes anemia and jaundice of face and eyes. Tomatoes are also useful in diseases like obesity. Old doctors used to chop two tomatoes and chop medium onion for nervous exhaustion, chronic constipation and enlarged stomach. And they would cut mint and mix it a little. For a week, he fed this salad to those who had joint pain. A piece of ginger is added to the same salad, and people who are hot-tempered and hot-tempered add a little green coriander and eat them, which keeps their blood pressure normal.
If the gums swell and bleed, cut a ripe tomato and rub it slowly slowly. This is a normal tomato found in the morning and the same in the evening. Rub small pieces of tomato on the gums for five to ten minutes, it will clean the teeth and prevent them from coming out and the bad smell will also go away.
Adding a little pomegranate syrup to the juice of half a tomato can cure liver diseases. If the bowels are scratched and diarrhea is repeated, the health will be restored in a few days. Consumption of tomatoes also increases immunity to fight diseases. Tomato is appetizing and its juice is useful in rickets, children hand and feet becomes crooked in rickets.
Treatment of cancer with tomatoes
A review of recent research shows that tomatoes have ability to prevent cancer. It contains vitamins C and E. According to the research of Dr. Hotchicks, a medical expert, there are two types of acid in tomatoes which are also found in other fruits and have the same effect as vitamin C. These acids protect against cancer by reducing the carcinogenic minestrone. These harmful substances are actually produced in the body due to beef meats. In our country, people don't know that if lemon juice and raw vegetables are added to big meat, the amount of harmful ingredients is reduced.
Vitamin E increases the body's immune system. Experts say that everyone should take only 15mg of vitamin E per day. But according to the new scientific research, eating 800mg of this vitamin leads to an extraordinary increase in physical performance.
There are some forms of tomatoes like round lumbutra pear and some others varieties of tomatoes are found. Raw tomatoes should be stored at home by wrapping them in waste newspaper so they will ripen. Clean the ripe red tomatoes with a cloth, apply melted beeswax to their stems and spread them on a tray. Tomatoes will not spoil tomatoes can be frozen by placing them in unsealed plastic bags in the up-raiser with days on the tomato harvest. Scientists are also researching for fresh tomatoes so that you can buy fresh tomatoes in any season and at any time. American scientists are busy trying to breed tomatoes that don't spoil and stay fresh forever. Nutritionists say that this modern technique will not affect the taste of tomatoes. If the experiment is successful, the process will be repeated on others fruits and vegetables and flowers.
Tomatoes are also used in salads. Tomatoes are also used in meat and vegetables. Tomato sauce is made into ketchup and is also used in soups and ice creams. It is added to chickpea pilaf for flavor, and tomatoes are also used in sandwiches, burgers, and pizzas. Tomatoes are used in salad dressings tomatoes meat, tomatoes mince, tomatoes cheese and tomatoes are usually made at home, tomatoes cheese are usually made at home. Tomatoes cooked with onions and stuffed into crillo are also very tasty.
Tomato ketchup
Tomato four kg, onion half kg, garlic 30 grams sugar 1kg vinger 1kg salt 1 kg cloves white cumin cardamom these seeds black pepper red pepper ground one tola you can make good tomato ketchup. Cut a good firm red tomato in half bring to a boil in a stainless steel pot on low heat. When the peel start to come of, take it off and strain it in a fine muslin cloth or sieve. Put the juice that comes out in a pot and add salt and sugar. Put the crushed spices, onion and crushed garlic in a cloth pan and cook on low heat. When it starts to thicken, add the vinegar. After cooking for five minutes, take it off, squeeze the cloth and when it cools down, fill it in a ketchup bottle.
Tomato Sauce
Tomatoes 1kg sugar 1/2 kg water 1/2 kg Raisins 30 grams, Red onion 1 red chili tsp salt to taste and make tomato sauce.
After washing the tomatoes, cut them, boil then in water and filter them. Put a little cooking oil in the pot and finely chop the onion and fry it. Then add salt and sugar, when the chutney starts to thicken, add raisins and take it off, then cook on low heat. Some women add a little vingar and three or four cloves chopped and a little ginger and cook it.
Tomato jam
Red tomatoes 2kg, sugar 2 kg, lemons three cups, water 200grams.
Wash the tomatoes and cook them in water on low heat. When soft, peel off carefully, peel the lemon and cut it into small pieces remove the seeds. Cook juice by mixing sugar and water. Add tomato and lemon slice to it and cook. If the foam rises, take it off with a spoon, if it becomes thick, take it off, then fill the tomato jam in a bottle.
It should be remembered that excess of everything is harmful. Earlier, one to two tomatoes were put in a bowl for the members of a family and to or three tomatoes were also added to the salad.This amount was a lot for eight or ten people. But today the tomato ketchup trend has gained momentum. Samosas, Pakoras, sandwiches and burgers are incomplete without it. Children eat chips and finger chips dipped in tomato ketchup. However, eating more than two or three tomatoes a day is harmful for health.
Tomatoes are not good for people who have urinary and kidney problems. Doctors forbid them to eat tomatoes. Eating too many tomatoes also damages the throat. Woman should not get into the habit of feeding ketchup to small children. Tomatoes are very harmful for people who have kidney or bladder stones. They should use curd instead of tomato in curries or vegetables.
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