Beetroot and its benefits

 Beetroot and its benefits

One of our friend was ill for the past few days. When he got rid of the disease, the weakness took over.A variety of vitamin pills began to appear on his table. An old man came from Karachi.He looked at our friend and said that even after eating all these vitamins, you will still think of yourself as weak.Don't you remember the Prophet ( P.B.U.H) saying ? A Sahabi was very sick and the Prophet ( P. B.U.H) came to his house,Hazrat Ali ( R.A) was also with him.Palm branches were hanging in the house, which were presented to the service of the Prophet( P.B.U.H). Prophet ( P.B.U.H)  eating his heart's content. Then Prophet( P.B.U.H) said to Hazrat Ali (R.A) do not eat much now because you are weak due to illness. Then I cooked barley bread and beetroot curry for them.Upon this Prophet( P.B.U.H) said " yes"Ali eat from it . it is very beneficial for you.
This elder said that you should also include beetroot in your diet.InshAllah physical weakness will be removed. Friend used beetroot and curry for a few days and he soon recovered.
Beetroot is one of the most useful vegetables.It i widely cultivated in Pakistan, India, Europe, and North Africa.In Europe sugar is produced from beets.Hot beetroot juice is drunk with passion in Iran.Apart from vitamins B and C, calcium, phosphorus, and iron are found in them.Beetroot is considered a vegetable with many benefits in Western countries. Which along with being rich in nutrition, also prevents the deadly diseases of modern age cancer. Doctors in France advise their patients to eat one kg of  beets daily.Its leaves are much liked in the heather region of Ireland.

Beetroots is sweet and should not be consumed by diabetics.Beetroot is constipating vegetable.Nourishes the body.Usually, women boil the beetroot and discard the water to remove the saltiness.In this way, the curry becomes tasty but the nutritional value is reduced.Beetroot is very useful for hemorrhoids, joint pain, headache and chronic constipation. It is beneficial to cut a medium beetroot along with leaves and boil it in one and half cups of water and drink it in cup daily.It removes chronic constipation and reduces the severity of piles.

Use of beetroot for hair loss

Beetroot is very useful if you have excessive hair fall.Cut the beetroot leaves,stalk and one beetroot and heat it well in water.Then wash your hair thoroughly with it.If one has head lice, using it will eliminate head lice.Use this on your hair continuously for at least a month,it will stop hair fall and make your hair healthy.

Use of beetroot for dandruff

If you have a lot of dryness in your scalp, then using beetroot is very useful.For this, put a beetroot leaf in water and boil it well.After that,apply it on the head very well.Wash your head after half an hour.Do this twice or thrice in a week.This will get rid of dandruff.

Beetroot oil

Beetroot oil is very useful for human health.Take two large beets roots and chop them.Make rounds and boil well in one kg of mustard oil.When the custards turn black, take them out and cool them down.Apply this oil on the scalp daily, it makes the hair strong and thick, In addition, if there is pain or dryness in any part of the body, massaging it from that place will also provide relief.

Use of beetroot for headache

Beetroots is very useful for headache, cold and other diseases.Extracting beetroot juice and instilling it in the nose cures headache and sometimes toothache.Apart from this, beetroot is very useful if the mind is heavy and if there is a headache.Take a medium sizes beetroot, peel it slightly, cut the tender leaves along with it and boil it in a glass of water.Remove from boiling three to four times.Add sugar and salt to taste and eat it and drink water.It will be beneficial to use it for a few days.

Use of beetroot for dark spots and blemishes

Beetroot is very useful if one has dark spots on the face. Take a beetroot and boil it on water and wash your mouth or apply this water on your mouth with cotton and massage it for five minutes.Massaging the mouth in this way or rinsing the mouth with beetroot water will be very beneficial. With its continuous use, blemishes and pimples are removed from the face.

Use of beetroot for toothache

If someone has a lot of toothache then beetroot is very useful for him. Take a beetroot and boil it in water. Boil it well for half an hour, and then add mustard oil to it. After that apply this oil with the help of cotton on the tooth where there is pain. With its continuous use, the toothache will also be relieved and the teeth will also look white.

Use  of beetroot for joint pain

If someone has a lot of joint pain or swelling, then beetroot is very useful for him. If there is pain in the joints or if they are swollen, boil one kg of beetroot in five kg of water. When the water is well boiled, washing this water repeatedly on the affected part relieves the pain. For joint pain, boil beetroot and add sesame oil to it and mix well. When the water dries up, take it off and filter it with a cloths. Massaging the joints gradually relieves the pain. Massage of this oil also gives relief in rib pain.If there is pain in the ear or a pimple has come out, putting two or four drops of this oil in the ear, which causes pain in the ear relieves it.

Beetroot meat

Cut one kg of beetroot in one kg of meat and cook it along with the soft leaf. Fry the meat and add the beetroot.When cooked, add green coriander hot spices. Thus a flavorful and energizing curry is prepared.

Beetroot mince

Fry half a kg of minced meat and add half a kg of beetroot leaves to it. When its done roasting, take it out and let it cool in the same way that you can make beetroot and mince curry.

Beetroot Salad

Consuming beetroot with food is very useful.Cut a medium beetroot and boil it in a water.Cut into round pieces and sprinkle salt, black pepper, black cumin, ground can also add boiled peas and tomato.

Delicious beetroot halwa.

Peel and grate one kg of beetroot.Mix half kg of khoya, two hundred and fifty grams of ghee, pistachios and almonds as required, one teaspoon of sugar in it. 
First cook beetroot in milk, when the milk is dry, add sugar to it.When the sugar water dries up, add khoya and one spoon of ghee and fry it. Now add chopped pistachio almonds to it. In this way, a delicious beetroot halwa is prepared.

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