Tea and its uses

 Tea and its uses 

It is a common occurrence in Japan that in the middle of the 5th century a prominent path-passer was always engaged in learning. His name was Kempfer. He forbade himself all kinds of rest, eat less, speak less and sleep less. He used to stay awake all night, but once again he was forced by natural sleep to such an extent that even though he was an expert in control herself, but he could not control his sleep, and his eyelids closed automatically. 
In the well-known medical book Makhzan-ul-Adawiya written 200 years before, there is an incident related to Mirza Qazi from old Arabic books writer. In ancient times, a king of China became angry with one of his friends and banished him from the country. After poor periods, he continued to stumble in the wild forests and mountains. He had nothing to eat or drink. On day, overcome by hunger and thirst, he lost courage and fell down at the foot of a hill. When he regained consciousness after some time, hunger began to torment him again. To quench the stomach ache, they broke the leaves of a grass growing there and started eating.But there was no end to his joy when he felt that not only his hunger was satisfied but also new strength had grown in his body. For some days he lived in the same hill and used grass as food. When his health became enviable, he returned to the city from there, and mentioned this strange grass to the king's companions. From the companions, this word reached the king. The king sent courtier to summon him and the king was surprised to see his envious health. The royal physicians were sent with him and tested the grass by procuring it from the mountains. So it showed the same benefits that he described. So from that time, the use of this grass i.e tea started. For a long time she was confined as a legate to the royal family and the princely government. Then the common people also started using it and slowly slowly it became the national drink of the people of China. 
The tea plant was brought from China to all other countries by Muslim travelers. A Muslim tourist once traveled to China with his friends, he noticed that there is a kind of grass in China that the people there drink when they see excitement. And that grass is sold in all the cities, it brings a lot income to the Chinese government. People there call this grass Chah. It has a slight bitterness and is drunk after boiling it in water and is considered a very useful and powerful tonic.  

It formal use in Japan began in the 15th century. At the end of the 16th century, Portugal brought this grass to Europe. This grass first arrived in Paris in 1635 and soon made her home in the hearts of the rulers there. In 1658, its cultivation was started in the royal gardens, It is recognized that the credit for introducing tea to Europe goes to the East India Company. And 1666, the British parliament passed a bill that imposed a tax of eight pence on a gallon of brewed tea. The people of Europe who consider themselves as the source of wisdom could not understand its use for a long time. They used to boil the tea in water, discard the extract and chew the leaves. After a long time he realized his folly. 

A far as the introduction of tea in the subcontinent is concerned, it was through the British Bahadur. Who occupied India for the purpose of trade. Wherever his feet reached, tea also reached there. After the war of independence in 1857, when British occupied the entire country, tea also gained its dominance. The British left in 1947 but the grip of tea became even stronger. The people of the subcontinent also left behind Europe and China in tea consumption. Without it, no ceremony would be complete, nor would the requirements of hospitality be fulfilled. 
In the beginning , the people of the subcontinent and Punjab strongly opposed tea. But the tea companies went from village to village and gave away free tea to such an extent that it unofficially became the national drink.Talking about the common people, even scholar like Abdul Kalam could not remain without praising him. 

Birth place of tea 

China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Brazil, Kenya, Argentina, etc began to grow tea. The British mind could not bear the foreign trade of China. He started planting tea plantations in his territories in the late 19th century. By 1926, about 203200, square acres of tea were cultivated in Assam and Bengal. 

The nature of the tea plant 

Tea is the leaves of a bushy plant that grows a yard so in height. His plant is nurtured with great care and attention. Its plants are first sown in pots After six months, when the roots is ready, it is given in large plots of land in rows within rows. It is cultivated on mountain slope 5 thousand feet above sea level where rainfall averages 50 to 60 inches per year.Its leaves are similar to henna or pomegranate leaves, on the edge of which there are small teeth. In the start they are brown in color which turns green when mature, its flower is white in color,and it is so fragrant that it can be smelled for miles. Its leaves contain bitterness which is removed by boiling. Tea leaves are picked after three years and plucked three times in a year. 

Types of tea 

There are more than a thousand varieties of tea. But in terms of color three types are more popular white green and black. The best is white tea that is fragrant and has open leaves, but this variety is successful.After that comes the number of green tea, but it has more dryness. The worst type is the black colored one which is mostly used by us. You will be surprised to hear that superior to superior and inferior to inferior teas are produced from the same plants. Green tea consists of leaves that are steeped for a short time and then collected immediately. It has all the properties of tea. Black tea is made from dried leaves that have been left for a long time. Their natural green color turns black if left for a long time.
Some of the world famous black tea brands include Hyosin, Hyosin skin, young hyosin etc. Many brands have added different floral and fruity fragrances to it, rose Chambeli olive orange etc. Some tea companies make their brand so addictive that the drinker becomes addicted to it. Most of the green tea sold in the markets is artificially colored using gypsum indigo and turmeric etc. There are numerous accounts in old medical books about fine tea. An incident is like this, some people hunted in Khata area and covered its meat with tea leaves. After a few hours, when it was taken out, all the flesh had decomposed, from that it was concluded that good food digests food especially meat very quickly. 

Chemical analysis on tea plant

According to the report given by chemist in America after analyzing 2500 different brands of tea, its ingredients are as follows. It contains a compound similar to N-caffeine, which was discovered in 1838. Caffeine is found in coffee and tea. Just as coffee gained popularity because of caffeine, In the same way, Thi An caused the popularization of tea. Its presence works to relieve nervous exhaustion. Tannin is the most important component of tea. Due to which habitual tea drinking, chronic constipation, dryness, insomnia, they suffer from stomach pain. The more tea leaf is heated, the more tenin is released and causes damage. 

How to prepare tea

Tea connoisseurs have written elaborate tea preparation methods. A famous Chinese writer has written in his book that if the tea drinker makes tea for himself,then no more than two cups should be made in one pot at a time. But in this busy time, not everyone can find time for this occupation of drinking tea, for this recipe has been made that everyone can follow. 
Put one spoon of tea leaves in a teapot and boil it once about four cups of boiling water put in it and close the teapot with a lid and cover it with a tea towel or thick cloth. After five minutes add adequate amount of milk and sugar and drink it. Be careful not to boil the leaf as it is harmful consuming more milk and sugar will correct the side effects. 

Benefits of tea

Tea creates happiness and relaxation in the mind it is a strong nerve.It quenches thirst and relieves headache.It  also relieves sweating and fever,brightens the complexion of the body and face. If the leaves are warned and tied on hard boils, it softens them and boils. It is often used after meals to aid in digestion.Useful for women who have periods problem. In case of suffocation, when phlegm has become thin, the coffee is expelled by drinking.Useful in all seasons for those with cold phlegmatic temperament and to some extent in winter for those with warm temperament. 

Disadvantages of tea uses  

Abundant consumption of tea also causes numerous harms according to modern medical research. It causes heat diseases by generating heat in the body.Drinking very hot tea or in the dictionary of tea drinkers, drinking tea that burns the lips or using the mouth is harmful to health. Its excess increases the speed of convulsions in some people, blood pressure increases,sleep flies away, brings more urine, teeth become weak. It irritates the stomach and in some cases causes indigestion, it also causes the complaint of constipation,anemia occurs due to liver damage,it pollutes the blood,male diseases are also caused by its frequent use.Overuse also weakens eye side.Therefore, tea should be consumed only when needed,because it has no nutrition at all.

Tea is a helpful understanding

A common-sense rule is that boiling tea leaves in water makes it a drink. Boiling water kills germs that have the potential to spread disease.Now experts are trying to find out what health benefits can be added to tea leaves apart from its antiseptic action.Tea is obtained from evergreen plants of tropical and subtropical regions. The plant from which tea is obtained is called by scientists in their own languages as camila sai nan sun. About 3,000 species found in the world are obtained from the same plant or by transplanting from the same type of plant. When the leaves are plucked from the plants, the preservation process begins. These leaves are divided into three main parts is called white, green and black.
Three-quarters of the tea produced in the world consists of black tea. Which is used more in Europe, America and some countries in Asia. The tea leaves are crushed and then spread and dried in the open air for chemical changes.This process turns them black and is called black tea.

Green tea and its uses

In Japan and China, tea is traditionally used as green tea. Tea leaves are roasted by heating to retain their green color. Oolong tea is a cross between green tea and black tea. All three types of tea have health benefits. And it contains compounds of biochemical substances that scientists call polyphony.Its attribute is that it is also present in leafy plants and vegetables, which has immunity to fight against 50 types of diseases. Due to this immunity, the cells of the human body remain healthy and energetic. 
According to a research of experts, people who drink four to five cups of tea throughout the day have 70% less chance of contracting diseases. This is compared to those who drink two cups or less of tea through out the day. According to another study in 1993 black tea drinkers had a lower incidence of fatal heart disease than others.

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