Cactus (Thohar) plant and its benefits
Cactus (Thohar) plant and its benefits
A thorny desert plant comes to mind in the same imagination which makes it very inappropriate to associate delicacy with beauty. Our poets and writes have completed the task even though there are hundreds of examples left on this plant. Somewhere a rosy lover is likened to a thohar plant somewhere it is being used as an excuse for worldly suffering. But no one treated him kindly.
But now we introduce you to a unique and mind-boggling thohar in its beauty and splendor. In the flower of thohar plants, the rare fragrance and sweetness combine to fascinate a person. It is a fact that the use of thohar to enhance the beauty of homes is common and really makes a beautiful garden of flowery corner more attractive with its beauty.
We were introduced to the present generation of thohar, obtained through grafting, during a flower exhibition at Jinnah garden. It was also competing with beautiful flowers like daisies with their extravagant patterns rather, due to his individuality, his marks were slightly higher. Its unique and beautiful plants immediately caught our attention after which we decided to introduce our readers to it.
In this context, met the guardian of thohar and gardeners to get information. So it was found that he was running a Nasri near our institution in Sumanabad by the name of Owais Cactus. when we reached the garden for more details, we saw that 20 species of thohar were showing their spring in a wide area. While giving information, a gentleman said that thohar is an evergreen plant its age is about hundred years. In its environment and shape, this plant is very tall with a thorny and stalk appearance. Some where oval- shaped leaves with large but prickly leaves. In common parlance it is called thohar or chhatar thohar. Often we see our surroundings as a garbage dump or a garden somewhere her current beauty is owes to her transplant, which also made her fragile and young. Now some species of thohar are up to half a foot in diameter and their age has also decreased from a hundred years to five or seven years That's fine, but still, beauty comes at a price.
I learned some interesting things about this plant His forefathers were deserters, despite the development, qualities have not gone anywhere. This desert ship is happy like a camel for days without water. High sun and low water are the main requirements of this plant. The process of growing it is also good first take something that you can cover its self with from a plastic tray. But it should be covered in such a way light can enter or cover it with something made of clay, just don't leave it open.
After completing this step, mix three parts of compost and one part of sand in the pot and smooth the surface. Now scatter thohar seeds in it and after applying water from the fountain, cover it with a lid or envelope. Just open the seeds after 10 days, if the soil is dry, then apply a little water, if not then close it.
The growth rate of this plant is very slow it is half an inch in six months and one inch in a year. There is no season for sowing seeds, they can be sown throughout the year, so the best season for transplanting is between six months and one year of age. That is, the smaller the plant, the better and more efficient the transplant is. The smaller the plant, the better and more efficient the transplant.
According to the experts, about 40 varieties have been born so far from the transplantation of thohar. Most varieties are imported from India, Thailand, and USA. Interestingly, the plant is mostly exported to the United states.
Hyderabad is the most preferred area for the growth of pace plant in Pakistan. The climate of the place the intense heat of the day and the cold of the night, is like a mother to him. It is also grown in the rest of the hottest cities. Therefore, two or four garden are found in almost every city in Pakistan. Until now, the birthplace of grafting is Hyderabad, where financial experts specialize in birthing its creations.
Remember that there are many types of thohar, some of which are highly toxic. If this plant is touched with bare hands, the thorn penetrates inside the body. After inflicting pain, it erupts into a pus and only then comes out. Caring for such plants is a work of great experience and perfections. One of the amazing things about thohar is that its roots are extremely short. That is, one-foot tall plant will have only two- inch roots. After one year, the potting soil must be replaced. The method is to remove the plant from the pot and plant the roots in new soil so this method plant will continue its growth.
Its beautiful and beautiful flowering season is from March to December. During this period, flowers in numerous varieties and colors, individually and in bunches show proof of the Oneness of Allah.
These same flowers provide the seeds that form the basis of more new plants and then more plants through grafting. Even without flowers, the patterns and textures of this plant are striking. Flowers add four moons to its beauty.
When we examined the clinical examination of this plant, it was found that these plants are only showing teeth. Homeopathic doctors say in this regard that this desert plants has both fruits and flowers. The fruit tastes good but does not smell pleasant after eating it or drinking its juice. Its fruits also cause kidney and urinary problems. He has told that the medicinal use thohar is to clean part of its stem and put the same amount in alcohol and keep it in the dark for a month. Then filter it and mak a mixture of it. One drop of which is dissolved in 30 drops of alcohol to make 30 strong medicine. It is also an effective medicine for the total suffering of smokers.
If the hands and feet are very hot, the arms may feel as if ants are crawling and especially if the pain reaches the tip of the fingers of the left arm, this medicine is also very useful in these diseases. it also heals small dry scaly patches on the skin without itching.
After extracting the water from the thohar stem, add sesame oil and keep it on a light burn. When the water dries up and only the oil remains, use it as a massage for joint pain, paralysis, and diarrhea . If you have toothache, apply it with cotton ball and place it on the toothache area, it will relieve you quickly. If someone has an earache, warm the stem juice and put it in the ear, it is very useful for earache. Mix cow's milk in besan and make pills equal to gram. One pill in the morning and evening is a useful treatment for cough, joint pain, etc.
Extract the juice of its flowers then mix three cups of water in one tola juice and cook it like boiling water and use two spoons when it cools down. It is useful in menstrual pain and lack of menstruation. By making a syrup of its fruit juice and drinking one spoon daily, children teeth come out easily. Applying thohar milk finely ground in equal weight of turmeric on piles gives instant relief.
Thohar's homelands is America. Where there are 1600 types of it. There are desert regions in America and the inhabitants of the region use the fruits of the thohar to quench their hunger and thirst. In fact, thohar does not have leaves, only branches and roots. The large thohar flowers are usually not in cluster. These flowers have very short life span and show their beauty for a maximum of 24 hours. Remember to keep the thohar in the under roof in a place where the sun shines or it may die this plant.
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