Fitness is a Blessing

"Fitness" is a Blessing

Modern methods of exercise originated in Sweden in the 19th century. The landlords were shocked to see the farmers' bent backs and loose bodies. So they solved it through "drill." They believed only workers with muscular bodies, like soldiers, could work properly. But one thing remained hidden from them that the human body should remain rigid all the time is also unnatural and harmful. Moving the body according to the shapes of exact geometry is against nature.

In contrast, the body should move in a fluid and circular pattern, like chest up, shoulders pulled back, and walking with a stiff neck; there is an additional load on all the muscles, especially the spine. Which often causes back pain. The shoulders are designed by nature to be loose and hunched to the sides, and the body should be straight to a certain extent. Stretching more than this is against nature.

The human mind has been averse to physical labor since the beginning, Even if it is exercise. On top of that, our cultural traditions further promote this laziness, E.g., riders to pedestrians,s and one who sits is considered better than one who stands. Consequently, we have become accustomed to living by walking and physical exertion. However, maintaining good health is crucial.

How can aging be delayed?

Despite adopting a simplistic approach, we still think the same about how to prevent aging. Youth is the name of flexibility. It decreases with time, which ultimately leads to old age. In maintaining such flexibility, there is relief from aging. The only way is proper exercise, from which a person can prolong his life by gaining agility and strength.

Remember, keeping the body active is life; freezing results in death! Here I will illustrate my point further by giving two examples:

1. Some years ago, a NASA engineer conducted various tests, So it was found that his heart muscle was weak. We invited him to join our physical training program, but he was too busy to attend. Two weeks later, his neighbor's house caught fire. He ran to help but fell while moving the household goods around because his heart was weak. And no one knew when and how he collapsed and died in the chaos. His body was eventually pulled from the drain. He would not have met this painful ending if he had strengthened his heart by doing our few minutes of exercise.

2. Another NASA laboratory worker was particularly obese, and he was about fifty-five years old. He set out to lose weight by following our program. As a result, he lost 30 pounds weight. But the body remains loose and loose on the flesh as it is. That is, he was slightly hanging and felt weak. We put it on our typical light workout. Soon he became so fit that he enrolled in a diving course. He continued to perform as well as people younger than him, and now he is a certified diver.

So you have seen how effective proper exercise is and how fatal it can be to avoid it. We suggest you do the exercise once according to the mentioned method. The world itself will change. The medical age cannot be extended. But it's up to you to spend it in a better way. Now choose the path you want. If you're going to look 15 years younger than your actual age or more than fifteen years, it is up to you to decide.

Being emotionally cold or out of sorts

Both smells are extremes. Life gets tired of monotony very quickly. And there is a desire for a change, even a little. Behind the scenes of the weekly holiday, this is the factor behind not working for a day after working continuously for a week. It has a pleasant effect on the health. But the change is either from work to rest or from rest to work. It should be manageable; getting cold or bursting at once is illogical and best to avoid. For example, you may have heard some emotional types say that:'I will work hard and then play hard; There is a good chance that they will not be able to do either. Or some people take the opposite attitude and say that I'll settle down with a comfy chair or a stack of novels after retirement, and I will enjoy my life completely free. It is often seen that such people die prematurely. So, it became clear to the honorable reader that he did not want to adopt an extremist attitude. Instead, one should choose the middle path and climb the ladder of success.

The same issue can be applied to exercise as well. If we can play two sets of tennis or 18 holes of golf a day, there is no need to do anything else to stay fit. But the question is, who among us has the time, opportunity, or inclination? That he could make a routine of such an expensive and tiring exercise. So it comes back to the fact that exercise should feel relentless and endless. Instead, it should be something you can enjoy as a piece of cake. That is, the price of mango kernels!

Then you will get such exercise only in our program. It is so light and short that it will look like you didn't exercise at all, and the goal, i.e., fitness goal, will also be achieved. Now see if there are only 30 minutes throughout the week, That is, the amount of time you spend on toothpaste. In other words, fifteen minutes is about twice as long if you get full fitness.

The untouchable way to get fit

Say it's not all that different to you; of course, this is the case with all fitness programs in the past. Our style is different from theirs, relatively untouched. The previous programs measure your effort on a distance or speed scale, While our fitness program ignores these visible metrics and prioritizes acquiring internally derived fitness and strength. This system is only interested in one thing you should exercise so that the pleasant effect of exercise is visible on the body, and the best part is that you can control it as you wish. So that its impact on the body is exactly as per your intention

The flaw in the old exercise systems was that they forced you to do the same exercise right from the start, which was very difficult, or gradually became more accessible. Running fast and swimming far is good, but if it does not have a sufficient internal effect on the body, it is all for nothing, and the fitness destination is far away.

Another disadvantage of the old system was that you were subservient to him whereas, in our modern style, you are free to choose such exercise as you like to do whatever you want. The bottom line is that training should be whatever it is, which is exactly according to the physical requirements. Instead, it should be consistent, meaning your entire system can be positively stimulated by it and provide fitness. You can use the movement that this exercise has created. You can monitor well and know how it affects the blood and blood vessels in the heart and lungs. How is this possible? So, sir, the answer is that your pulse will tell you about this, which will be explained later.

What does your pulse tell you?

Technically, heart rate and pulse are two different things, but we are not concerned with that; remember that the pulse indicates how fast your heart is beating. We all know how vital the pulse rate is whenever you visit a doctor for a check-up, so his nurse always does these three jobs. First, she checks your temperature. The second, note your weight. Third is, counting your pulse. If you have ever agreed to stay in the hospital, you will know that your pulse was checked throughout the day. It sometimes wakes you up in the morning, from your afternoon sleep, or just before bedtime. By this, you must have understood how vital the pulse is and how deeply it relates to health. 

Now we also know that pulse rate is not only associated with disease but also with health. In case of illness, they run faster, or it gets a little random. But despite any mental stress, the pulse rate not affected is proof of health.

Your pulse is also indistinguishable from your signatures or fingerprints.

Its structure is like a wave, the top of which can be pointed and flat too. Its apex is also branched. It works in harmony with your body system, and it is so unique if the patient's nurse is blindfolded in a ward and the bed should be changed. The pulse is checked, so not only will she identify each patient's pulse each patient's pulse individually. Instead, it will also tell that on that day, a patient's health is good and whose health is terrible. This task is so simple that you can know your daily emotional state by looking at your pulse after only five minutes of training. If you are aroused, your pulse will also be faster.
Conversely, the pulse will also be like this when you are delighted. Just understand that the pulse is precisely according to the condition of your face. If your average pulse rate is sometimes faster or slower than usual, so there is nothing to panic about; This may be entirely normal for you. Even if your pulse is 90 beats per minute while sitting, you can have good health from this person, whose speed is 70 per minute in the same condition.

Our fitness program under pulse control

The pulse continues even in the state of rest; however, the speed during the exercise should be adjusted according to your body shape can help prescribe a fitness program. Pulse rate itself plays a decisive role in terms of your fitness. If your body is weak and weak and you haven't exercised once in the last twenty years, don't panic. You are only a 2-hour workout away from perfect fitness. If you complete our Complete Fitness 3 Phase Course totaling twelve hours, your body will become attractive and excellent. Not only will you appear younger, but you'll also feel younger. Your legs will be strong, your waist will be slim, and you will permanently eliminate some extra pounds of fat. But you didn't get upset after listening to the 12-hour course. It's not about twelve hours of continuous exercise, but thirty minutes 8 per week is the total time for three 8-week courses.
You can repeat it if you want. But experience has shown that exercising every third day is just as beneficial as much as can be done daily. As you know, we're not big fans of exercise. Guess you didn't do yourself any favors by not exercising in the past, but it should not be punished by handing you over to strenuous exercise. You have already paid the price for your negligence in the form of poor performance and poor health. No longer do you have to endure long courses of strenuous exercise. If your fitness level is low, become more active, and your strength will increase. Muscle heart and lung endurance will improve. There will be a revolution in your bones and blood circulation.

Basic pulse exercises bring joy and happiness.

The best training results can be obtained starting at ten and continuing throughout life. But you know that one can rarely do such a thing. We can only think of going as far as our hidden potential. And no one takes full advantage of them. If you are 50 years old and have yet to exercise even once in twenty years, you will never reach this physical standard, which is what you would have achieved if you had continued to play the tennis you played in college. To be perfectly fit at the age of 60, one should be started exercising at the age of 10 but don't worry. If you have stopped exercising since age 20, and even if you are 50, you can start exercising and become the owner of the same fantastic body as if you were 50 or even 40.

Here I will tell you one more thing as much as you consider your body to be unfit, don't let it be like that because if you keep going up and down stairs, carrying heavy bags of household goods, getting fit isn't difficult, whether it's polishing your car or picking up a baby. This simple task can be done with a bit of exercise. From this, you start to feel fantastic improvement in your health. You become more lively, and the period you are almost half dead decreases. Also, you can avoid dying prematurely.

We will only make you exercise as much as possible, even if it is just a little daily. Its amounts will be gradually increased. You won't even notice so little. This gradual increase is called overload, which is the spirit of the essential exercise of the pulse. Keep in mind that our program is not for young athletes. It's for a man or woman who wants to gain a valuable wealth of fitness. It is a reprieve from the long and tiring exercise of the previous evening, and along with making physical exercise fun for you, your muscles instill new strength, self-awareness, and agility. As well as making you feel safe and calm will prepare you to face any unexpected situation. And what less reward and joy is it to prove a better husband than before.

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