Are you Drinking Enough Water
Are you Drinking Enough Water ?
It is difficult to imagine life without water. Humans can survive for two months without food. But one cannot survive for long without water. Because water is a natural fluid thanks to which countless body systems are functioning day and night .
Dr. Howard lakes says that if adequate amount of water is not consumed , all the organs of the human body are affected by it. By not drinking water according to the needs of the body , many people put fat on their body. Their muscles become weak, their digestive system gets damaged, toxins build up rapidly in the body, joints and muscles start to show, and the spear also leads to many disorders.
If you don't drink enough water, your body will retain the water it already has to compensate , and this is where various diseases start. if you drink more than one amount of water, it can be useful to prevent various diseases, but drinking less water can increase the severity of diseases.
According to Dr. Flex a healthy person should drink at least 10 glasses of water everyday. People who exercise a lot or do a lot of hard work or live in a hot environment should drink even more water. In order to remove obesity and lose weight, the intake water will also have to be increased. An athlete who weighs 160 pounds needs 13 to 14 glasses of water, while a person of the same weight and less active needs 8 to 10 glasses daily. And yes, remember, don't drink 10 glasses of water at once, it can cause stomach ache, but you should drink little by little at different times from morning to evening.
Dehydration leads to increased excretion of waste, which can lead to death. When the kidneys separate uric acid and urea, they become water soluble. And if we don't have adequate amount of water in your body, these wastes cannot be excreted efficiently and then it causes kidney stones which are very harmful to our health. Water also plays an important role in keeping the digestive system healthy and make the body fit. It transports the digested food and oxygen to the body cells through the blood and also helps in keeping the body cool through sweat. Water maintains flexibility in our muscles , allowing body parts to move freely.
Apart from nourishing the body, water also has a sealing effect, nut one of its advantages is that it does not weaken the body like alcoholic beverages. When we drink a glass of water, it increases the heart rate and the blood circulation starts more cleanly, which gives the body freshness and strength.
Dr. George S writes that we can think of water as medicine. This is very important for digestion. If the water is taken in the morning it removes the complaint of constipation. Hot water , if used instead of coffee and other drinks and a glass of it after meal, is a great remedy for indigestion. Dr. George further writes that when all medicine has proved futile and no medicine has any effect on the disease then water can be the only means of healing. The fact is that water is essential for a healthy body and a healthy life.
My teacher Dr. Abdul Haq was very intelligent person, from the latest medicine to herbs, tried and tested recipes of yogis and homeopathic medicines were available were to him. I used to make detailed notes on herbs and medicines based on research. He was found of reading books from America, Germany, London . Once I came to know that he was ill and admitted to the hospital. It was found that he had fainted while prostrating during Isha prayer. The doctor says that he has heart problems. 10 to 15 years ago, there was such a normal facility. Dr. Abdul Haq said you are welcome. Rain water is available in my house and gold water is kept in a small bottle at my head. You should mix gold water with Zaffran on a glass plate and write Verses of healing and wash it with rain water and bring into me. InshAllah I will be fine by tomorrow morning and my ECG will also be normal. I followed the doctor's advice , the next day at 10 am i went to the hospital myself, he was checked up he was fine, so he returned home. After that, he started water treatment, added fresh vegetables, fruit and cream, extracted milk to his diet. They used to bathe morning and evening for which they had made two big tops themselves. As long as he lived he did not take any allopathic or any English medicine and did not fall ill. He had full confidence in the treatment of water.Whenever a patient came to the doctor, he would advise hime to wake up in the morning and drink a glass of water two or three times within half an hour. Due to this, chronic complaints of constipation, morning sickness, mood swings, stomach pain etc. will be cured automatically in a few days without any medicine.
He often used to say that Allah has created a blessing like water for human beings. Water is very useful for life.Now Zamzam is useful for whoever drinks it with the intention. Drink it with the intention of intercession,then Allah heals. Drink it for thirst, then the thirst is quenched. It happens that if you drink with the intention of intercession , then Allah heals you.Zamzam is not a only water, but the one that food for humans and cures diseases. Our beloved Prophet ( P.B.U.H ) said that the best and most useful and excellent water on this planet is Zamzam. saw many people in the Haram Sharif Makkah drinking Zamzam to their stomachs and praying among them, patients were also among them.Some people used to pour Zamzam in plastic bottles at night after the Isha prayer and then drink the water during Tahajjud. Many people from the Pakistan go for Umrah, the intention of all of them is to seek healin from Zam-zam frequently.Zamzam has a status that if it is drunk with faith, physical diseases and weaknesses are removed.
The manners of drinking water which are proved by the Hadiths are that one should not drink water in one breath after gulping like a camel. Rather, one should sit and drink water slowly in two or three sips.
Whenever Our beloved Prophet ( P.B.U.H) drank water, he would take three sips from the vessel and say Alhamdulillah after each sip. He used to forbid breathing in water and blowing into it and drinking water with mouth from a vessel. It is forbidden to eat and drink in gold and silver vessels, and one should not drink water from a broken vessel. In the broken place, the jersey mail creates a raw place and when drinking water, harmful fluids go into the body, so it is said to keep the water milk container covered so that no things or insects or germs can get into it.
Kidneys perform important function in our body. Understand that they work as washer men. Bad and harmful substances are mixed with blood and water and come to the kidneys, which they filter from the blood and excrete in the form of urine.
If there is no water, the kidneys cannot excrete uric acid and urea from our body. Those who drink less water, the waste materials of their body slowly accumulate in the kidneys and bladder and take the from of stones. Water is essential for our digestive system and also for the elimination of waste products. Because of water, our joints stay hydrated , we sweat and get rid of excess heat from the body, water is also important for the lungs. Hydration of the lungs is essential for absorbing oxygen and excreting carbon dioxide, so water should be consumed as much as possible.
Drinking water in the morning is a very good habit. Do not exercise immediately after drinking water. At least 15-20 minutes should be given. If you drink water before the Fajar Prayer, it will be absorbed by the body until the prayer, after which you can exercise.
A healthy person should drink at least 8 to 10 ounce glasses of water a day. The international sports medicine institute recommends half an ounce of water intake for every pound of body weight for athletes. Instead of drinking this water all at once, one should drink it at proper intervals from morning to evening. People who want to lose weight usually drink less water, because of which the body does not dispose of fat in the proper amount and instead of losing weight, they gain more. Dietician Dolant Roberts says that drinking plenty of water is essential for weight loss. Likewise, people who drink less water tend to store more fat in their bodies, and dehydration affects muscle mass and performance. Digestion becomes weak and new diseases arise due to the accumulation of toxins in the body.
Water washes away internal and external congestion Dr. Luhi Kahnni of Germany published his own experiences in his book water treatment. He cured his ailments with water. The theory behind this treatment is that whatever food we consume, there is a process of metabolism in the body. As energy is gained, carbon dioxide, potassium , fat, and sweat are excreted waste products in the urine. If our diet is not right, the digestive system gets disturbed and the excretory system is turned on. If the irregular substances are not removed from the body, the human health starts to deteriorate instead of being normal. whatever the disease, the main reason is that the irregular substances is that the irregular substances of the body cannot be removed properly.
Water is an essential component of life, its amount is 50 to 80 percent in various plants.More than two- thirds of the earths surface is covered by water. Rivers, oceans, and well water contain sodium, calcium, chloride, slue, carbonate, and bicarbonate salts, many of which are necessary for cleaning sewage.
There are some areas where the water is deficient in elements like iodine and fluoride , leading to tartar and tooth decay. Today, chlorine is added to water in new ways to purify it, but too much of it is harmful to health.
Water is formed by the combination of two colorless gases, hydrogen and oxygen. Its molecule contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Hydrogen is the simplest and lightest of all elements, essential to life. Hydro is a Greek word meaning water. Hence the name hydrogen meaning water-producing because when hydrogen burns in air, water is produced. Modern research has shown that life on earth originated from water. A long time ago, this is the same thing in the Holy Quran in Surah Anbiya, did you not see those who disbelieved that the mouths of the heavens and the earth were closed , then we opened the doors of both of them and we created every living thing from water.
Today, needle gas heaters are used in home, they benefit the people of the world, there are also losses. It dehumidifies the air and causes respiratory problems. Whenever a needle gas heater is used, an open container should be filed with water in front of it and the water should be changed every three to four hours so that the unpleasant effects of the gas disappear. Many diseases can also be cured by using warm water. If you have a sore throat, gargle with warm water. If you have a sore throat, gargle with warm water, it relieves the sore throat. If you have a build-up of mucus in your chest that is making it difficult for you to breathe, steaming it with warm water will immediately relieve it. One should never go out in public after taking father because it causes flu.
Drinking lemon juice and honey mixed with water also reduces obesity and improves digestion. In earlier times it was treated with steam. Different herbs were boiled in a pot of water and their steam was given to the patient, which would benefit him by sweating.
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