Mangoes are plump, pulpy, varying in size and volume, and green, yellow, and red. Mangoes varieties are recognized as having superior must-have characteristics such as being juicy, without strings or fibers, a sweet taste, and a mild appetizing aroma. Fibrous, sour, and turpentine-scented mangoes are considered inferior.
Mangoes are used at every stage, from early stage to ripe fruit. Mango wood is used in some religions to light sacred fire, perform puja, etc. Mango flower, or Bure, is used medicinally. During the Baisakhi festival, raw mangoes are used more than ripe ones when there are strong winds or storms. Raw mango contains oxalic acid and citric acid components. Raw mangoes taste sour and bitter due to citric acid. Synthetic citric acid is added to many everyday products, including seven-up, squashes, and syrups. This acid found in raw mango is entirely natural and harmless. Vitamin B-1 and B-2 are found in adequate amounts. Mango also contains tartaric acid. All these components dissolve in our body, give strength, and remove body defects. These components are the reason why raw mango is utilized to heal various illnesses.
Raw mango increases appetite and relieves scurvy and skin itching. Its bark produces a unique effect on the salivary membranes of the body.
Raw mango is used in various ways. Its chutney is made and eaten with lunch. Mango jam is used throughout the year. Pickle is the most delicious and desirable thing prepared from raw mangoes, which doubles the pleasure of food and the splendor of the table. The pickle sold in the market should not be used in any circumstances; this is unusable for several reasons. Firstly, the mangoes need to be adequately cleaned. Apart from this, citric acid, etc., is added artificially to it. Pickles with solid spices, sourness, and poor and excessive amounts of oil can cause severe damage to your stomach and intestines. It has been noted that people with indigestion are advised to eat pickles. This should not be done at all; this increases stomach acidity and causes ulcers. People with a cold throat, sore throat, and joint pain are advised not to use pickles. Otherwise, their diseases may increase.
In the summer, when the heat is going on, eating two or three pieces of raw mango with salt daily can protect you from sunstroke. Due to excess sweat in the hot season, sodium chloride, and iron deficiency in our bodies. Raw mango makes up this deficiency and soothes the body by quenching thirst.
Digestive system disorders such as summer hemorrhoids, diarrhea, piles, chronic indigestion, constipation, and vomiting in pregnant women can be controlled by consuming raw mangoes in adequate quantity.
Raw mango is an excellent remedy for problems caused by excess bile. The acidic substance increases bile secretion, which acts as a disinfectant for the intestines. Eating a medium-sized raw mango with salt daily helps relieve excess bile, putrefaction of food in the intestines, chronic indigestion, constipation, etc. It improves liver function and is beneficial in jaundice.
The presence of Vitamin C removes blood disorders by not only increasing the production of red blood cells but also increasing the elasticity of the hardened blood vessels. Therefore, middle-aged people with hardened blood vessels due to calcium deposits or any other reason and high blood pressure can use raw mangoes without salt. Due to raw mangoes, the body quickly absorbs the amount of iron in food—people who are pale due to iron deficiency or complain of bleeding, hemorrhage, etc. You must take raw mango if you take food or medicine containing iron.
Some authoritative doctors have described raw mango as an immune booster against cholera, dysentery, anemia, and even TB.
Mango powder is a popular item in the region and is widely used in homes. Dry the mango with the peel. Fifteen grams of mango powder is equal to 30 grams of lemon juice. Mango powder is said to be helpful in the disease of scurvy and pyorrhoea.
Green, i.e., unripe mangoes, contains more starch, slowly ripened and converted into glucose, sucrose, and maltose. When the fruit is fully ripe, the starch disappears and is replaced by a sweet pulp of a beautiful color. If the mango is planted on the tree until the last time, soil moisture and other substances are embedded in the mango fruits through the branches of the whole tree. Effects of weather, sun rays, and ingredients that enter the mango more and more when cooked; imagine how delicious and potent it will be. Call it unfortunate that in our country, the raw mangoes are broken and ripened artificially, or the raw mangoes that fall due to the wind or storm are ripened by spraying chemicals (like hydrogen sulfide) instead of using them as raw mangoes. After being cut off from the branch, when the raw mango pulp is forced to ripen through a chemical mixture, it has neither the nutrition nor the taste. However, the terrible effects of the chemicals used on it are seen in the throat and intestines.
Besides taste and deliciousness, ripe mango energizes and keeps the body alert. On the outer surface of our body is a thin layer called the Epithelium. If this surface is too light or weak, many bacteria find an easy way to enter the body. Abundant use of mango in the season keeps this layer of skin solid and healthy and thus provides your body with a natural defense against germ attack. Mangoes offer our bodies a lot of vitamin "A" to repair physical damage and growth.
Skinny children or people who are weak, thin, and underweight, if they consume mango daily with milk, will not only become fat and fresh but also their bodies will be vital. According to modern research, mango excessive fat consumption causes obesity, so obese people should eat less, while lean people should eat more. Eat mango first, then use milk or raw lassi (Buttermilk) after some time; this is the best thing if you can drink a mango milkshake. Mango has a lot of sugar but no protein; on the other hand, milk has protein but no sugar. In this way, the deficiency of one component is compensated by the other. Consuming both ingredients continuously for a month will make you healthy, strengthen your muscles, and improve your health.
One hundred grams of mango contains about 14 mg of calcium and 16 mg of phosphorus. Both of these components are essential for bone growth and development. For weak, dehydrated children whose growth has been stunted for some reason or who are not growing tall, one can get substantial benefits if mango and milk are consumed in large quantities.
The use of raw mango is prevalent among women; it is their favorite food. If you look at the effects of mango on women's bodies, then mango is a true friend of women. Mango is beneficial in specific disorders of female organs. According to a recent study, the internal consumption of mangoes relieves leukorrhea, inflammation of the internal organs, and looseness of the body. As an additional benefit, it also acts as a contraceptive. For the diseases mentioned above, the juice of the bark of the mango prevents the profuse blood flow of the uterus, controls menstrual bleeding in women, and eliminates internal infections.
Due to the abundance of vitamin A, mangoes have been successfully used to treat darkness. Deficiency in the diet causes eye problems in such situations; consume mangoes abundantly in season. Apart from this, mango can prevent refractive errors, dry eyes, softening of the cornea, itching, and irritation of the eyes.
When a mango is plucked from the branch, a milk-like substance immediately collects in its mouth. If someone has been stung by a scorpion, bee, or wasp, applying it to the affected area relieves pain and irritation.
There is healing in mango for diabetic patients, too. Yes, don't be surprised. I am not suggesting to eat mango. Diabetic patients should not eat mangoes. Take soft mango leaves and soak them in water overnight; in the morning, mash them well and strain the water. If this water is consumed daily, diabetes can be significantly controlled initially. Or keep these leaves in the shade, grind them when dry, keep them safe, and feed the patient half a teaspoon of tea in the morning and evening.
As we have mentioned at the beginning of this article, excessive use of anything can cause harm rather than benefit. Excessive consumption of mangoes can also make you sick. For example, excessive consumption of raw mangoes can result in sore throat and inflammation. It can cause indigestion, dysentery, and stomach pain. You should never eat more than one or two raw mangoes a day. Remember, children should not drink water immediately after eating mangoes.
A cone is formed on the mouth of the mango. If you remove it, fluid comes out from the bottom. It isn't good for you. It can cause sore throat and diarrhea, so squeeze the mango before eating. Overeating mango can cause constipation. Besides seasonal fever, blood disorders and rashes can also occur. Avoid consuming large amounts of mangoes in children as they may develop skin rashes.
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