Use es of Onion
Use es of Onion
Onion is a fast-growing food and one of the most cultivated vegetables for centuries. From this point of view, experts call it a unique type of food which is unparalleled in improving the taste of dishes and preserving foods. Onion is a biennial plant, so it is cultivated every year.All its parts give off a pungent smell when cut or crushed it. Its roots are superficial not as deep as other plants. At the base of the plant, a small stem expands to form a bulb or bulb as it grows. Which we eat and onions prepare daily dishes.
Onion leaves are linear and hollow on the stem. At the base of the leaves, the bulb of the onion is formed. The onions plants spherical shape.
Experts believe that the original homeland of onion is central Asia, part of Iran and Pakistan. Onion were also cultivated in the middle east and India since ancient times. It was one of the most popular dish in ancient Egypt where it is mentioned in their ancient books. Onions are also mentioned in the Bible. When Prophet Moses ( A.H ) was leading the Israelite out of Egypt to the land of Canaan, the Israelite remembered the onion during their hardships. Onion was so dear to the Jews that they built a city named Onion. The city was built in 173 BC near Re- Suez. According to another tradition, the name of the person who built this city was onion. Today onion is cultivated in all parts of the world.
Nutritional potential of onions
A saga has described onion as the dynamite of natural foods. Consuming it with other vegetables increases the nutrition value.It is low in protein and high in calcium and riboflavin. Medicinal constituents are not the same in different varieties of onions and at different stages of ripening. Onion loses its nutritional value when stored for a long time. The pungent smell found in onion is due to its organic sulfur compounds and only sprouts when it is cut or crushed. The smell- producing action of the humus end when it is placed in water. Soking it in water for a few minutes before cutting can keep the tear-inducing smell at bay. But some experts believe that the water that flows from the eyes while cutting onions is not harmful byt beneficial for the eyes.
Onion have great staying to fresh power. Dried onions can be stored for up to months. Its sharpness and bitterness are preserved by good storage. A ventilated sun- protected place is the subject for onion storage.
Natural Benefits and healing ingredients of onion
Onion is of great importance due to its medicinal properties it has been treating many unknown diseases since years ago. Many Egyptian doctors recommend it for various ailments, especially urinary discomfort, phlegm, and high fever. While onion are preferred over red and yellow onions. Onions should always be eaten raw with meals. Roasted or overcooked onions are slow to digest. If it is intended to be used for medical purposes, then its water should me made into juice. Onion water is also universal remedy. The efficacy of the infectious parts of onion plant is very high. Its betel nut increases sperm count and is also used to treat toothaches.
Use of onion in respiratory diseases
Onion has great expectorant properties mucous discharge. Its not only dissolves and expels the mucus but also prevents its further accumulation. It is used successfully in colds coughs and flu. Mixing equal amounts of onion extract and honey in three four teaspoons daily can prevent various diseases. This recipe is very important to stay safe from cold in winter.
Uses of onion in dental diseases
Russian doctors claim that onion has great antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties. They say that if a person chews an onion well every day, he is protected from dental diseases. Doctors claim that chewing raw onion for three minutes kills all the germs in the mouth. If someone has a lot of toothache, he should keep a piece of onion on the tooth during the pain, it will give him quick relief from the pain.
Use of onion in heart diseases
According to the latest Europen research, onion is an effective food to protect against heart attack. Doctors say that is a good remedy for heart diseases. By eating 100 grams of onion daily, patients with heart diseases or high blood pressure are cured. Onion is also useful in heart disease because it prevents the formation of clots in the blood vessels and reduces cholesterol in the liver.
Use of onion in skin diseases
Onion is a great massage for the skin. It improves blood circulation in the skin. Rubbing chopped onion into the skin removes all the pimples and boils. Applying hot onion or fennel on the boils heals. Due to its hot effect, boils ripen and burst. If any wound is too deep and is not healing, the the use of onion on the wound is very useful.
Use of onion in war disease
If a person has a lot of pain in his ear, should soak a piece of cotton in onion water and keep it in his ear, it will relieve the ear pain very quickly. It also relieves the complaint of ringing in the ears. Putting onion water in the ear by heating it also relieves ear pain.
Use of onion in cholera
Onion is an effective remedy for menstrual. Mix 30 grams of onion and seven pieces of black pepper well and give it to a cholera patient, it will relieve him quickly. It relieves thirst and restlessness and the patient feels calm. This medicine also acts immediately in vomiting and diarrhea. If a little sugar is added to it and give to the patient, it becomes a more effective medicine.
Use of onion in urinary trouble
Onion is very effective in relieving certain disorders and discomforts arising in urinary system. If you feel burning in urine, boil six grams of onion in 500 ml of water. When half of the water boils and evaporates, remove it from the flame. Now strain it and let it cool, this drink relieves urinary irritation. Drinking 60 grams of sugar in this drink remove the obstruction of the urine, it opens the urine an the discharge starts soon.
Others uses of onion
You already know that onion can be used in many ways in food and medicine. Onions are fried and eaten individually . Oil distilled from onions is used to enhance the flavor of foods. The demand for dry onion has increased worldwide today. Onions are cut and dried. These onion slices are added to pickled meats, chutneys, ketchup, and fennel to add a dry flavor to food. Cooking dried onion in water restores its nutrients.
In earlier times, eyes had no medical checkup of the eyes. A young man in the village suffered from an eye disease. Gradually the blur increased and he became blind. A lot of treatment was done but his sight did not return. There was a function in the house, so arrangements were made to cook a pot, five to seven kilos of onions were placed in front of it, they were peeled and cut. When the young man started peeling the onion, his eyes and nose started to water. After a while he felt that the heaviness of his mind was slowly lifting. He felt that the fog was clearing and the torch was dimming. He started cutting the onion and quickly. The basket of onions was not yet finished when his sight was restored by the grace of Allah. He started jumping for joy and the whole family was surprised how his sight came back.
Onion is one of our most popular vegetables and is used both raw and cooked. It is cultivated in winter. Its small plants survive in frost but required dry and warm weather to mature. In the plains, its seeds is cultivated from October to May, and in the hilly areas from the beginning of March to the end. If it is cultivated before October in the plains, the seed pods start to emerge with the onset of hot weather.
Onion can be cultivated on any type of land, but plain land is very suitable for it. Sandy soil with plenty of manure gives very good yields. Onion can grow well in colored soil, for which 24 wells of cow dung manure and one ounce of super phosphate should be used. When the plants are well rooted, sodium nitrate or aluminum sulfate should be added. If dung should be used to grow onion crop, it should be applied one month before planting onion crop. Three to four kilos of onion seeds per acre is sufficient for cultivation. Sown in batch stock when the plants are about four or five inches tall, they are sown in the fields by making small beds in rows and foot apart and three to four inches apart and watered immediately.
The first irrigation should be done immediately after changing the cheese. After two irrigation, water it so that the weeds are gone and the soil soft. When the plants grow a little, put soil over their roots so that the color of the onion become white and it is important to be careful that the soil is applied slowly. This process should not be done on small plants because they will sink into the ground and the crop will not be ready.
In the plains, onions are harvested in the month of may, otherwise the onion start rotting due to the heat. Onions should be peeled by hand and at the same time the top leaves should be broken. After that it should be stored in the shade because there is a fear of rotting the onion in the sun. One acre of land yields 120 to 140 mounds of onion.
Onion is a nutritious vegetable and is used all over the world for its medicinal properties. A review of its history reveals that it has been used as a food for thousand of years. Due to its many properties, it has a special place in being used as medicine. Tables and papers found the Pyramids in Egypt show that laborers were fed onions for strength and energy. They were fed onions daily as medicine and food. Along with onions, they were also given radishes and garlic. At that time onion was regularly cultivated. When Hakim Waris wrote a book about onion, he also made vinegar from it so that Hippocrates also benefited from eating onions. In world war II Russian doctors treated wounded people with raw onions. They would tie onions on the wound, which would dry it up quickly and the patient would recover.
Onion is also as medicine in our homes and is also used in cooking. Lemon green chili mint and onion chutney is very important for digestion. Onion water is the best medicine to prevent cholera. In some villages, people also use onion pickle. Most of the people in the villages work carelessly in the fields all day long as their daily diet consists of onions and pickles which are very beneficial for health. Eating onion pickle and sugar will give you calories for the whole day. In earlier times, when people were working in the fields, they used to eat bread with onion and sugar in their hands. Onion is also a popular food in the village.
By eating onions, toxins are removed from the body and no gas is produced. And it also relieves urinary problems. In the rainy season, drinking lemon juice and mint mixed with an onion prevents cholera. During the cholera season, onion are cut and hung on a thread, and cut onions are kept on the dining table both times so that the cholera germs do not grow due to its pungent smell and can be avoided. Water is not clean during this period you can also purify water by using onions. According to modern research onion does not allow cholesterol to accumulate in the blood, which is very useful diseases.
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